Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Success needs no explanation: Fruits of Labour , bitter / sweet

Success needs no explanation: Fruits of Labour , bitter / sweet

Fruits of Labour , bitter / sweet

Sometimes I do things just because I like to do it. I like to change things, streamline it, then enjoy perfection. Be it writing an article, or a simple pencil sketch, I like to create things. Most of the time people may not see the immediate picture of my work or the purpose behind it, its the suspense part of it that gives me the cutting edge in creativity. My idea is hidden until I bring it forth to the world in the form of my work. I must do that because the completeness of an idea otherwise will remain incomplete.To delve deep within self to know what new idea is taking place one has to be alert and attentive to it help in the conception. I like it when I take things to completion. I like it when others benefit out of my work.
It may also happen that one may tend to become workaholic, and later becomes susceptible to stress and strain. In such cases one has to sit back and relax both body and mind to rejenuvate self.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Success needs no explanation

My first blog at Bloggers!
Hence let me begin with a happy note, and talk about a success story. I have always believed in hard work, more than that I believed depending on self to get a work done. Dream first, imagine to plan, visualize the plan, write to give a skeleton to the plan, edit to work it out, begin the action through self, keep editing and imagining and planning and working till you achieve the near perfection that you have visualized. Bingo! the end result is success!
Success is pure essence of hard work, dedication, good planning and imagination and continuous editing. It is euphoric, the satisfaction lies in working and editing and giving life and colour to your imagination. The work itself is the means to an end. Half way through the work you already know your progress and the chuckle that you enjoy is worth a million.
Think not how small your work is, think how perfect it is. If it is perfect for you, it is perfect for others too.